Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fanmade Covers: Serial Experiments Lain and Eden of the East

So, this one day Omurqi and I decided to make some music together since we like singing and since we're only living 2 hours apart (it's only 40 minutes by car, but sadly neither of us has that kind of luxory... we most definitely are poor students...). We sang some crazy songs like the Azumanga OP, some were too difficult for the moment (like Spice and Wolf) and others we'll probably do when we both get the lyrics down properly ('Again' from Yui (fullmetal alchemist brotherhood OP) and the ending theme from Working!!). Aside from all of our failed attempts at making somewhat decent sounding music, we also practiced and recorded 2 songs that came out well in the end. We're both just amateurs so don't go into this expecting something professional, but I still think we did a nice job ;-). We hope you'll enjoy our fanmade covers!

Serial Experiments Lain:

Eden of the East:

And by the way, our 'first impressions post on summer 2010' wil be posted soon by Omurqi, so that you'll have something to look forward to ^_^. Lol.
That's all folks ;-)!


  1. Klinkt erg goed! =D
    Sunagan, je hebt een erg mooie zangstem.

    Ghehe, would like to hear Yui. ^^
    Echt een van m'n fav openingen van FMA. Je wilt niet weten hoe vaak ik die heb afgespeeld... te vaak... nogsteeds eigenlijk. =-=

  2. I finally got around to listening to these! SO cute! Sunagan you have an amazing voice!
