Friday, April 16, 2010

The Fundamental Hentai Problem for Female Audiences

I'm perverted. I'm not in any way going to deny this; as a young, healthy woman, why should I? Pureness and innocence are a fairytale in our age group. Sex is natural, sex is fun. Watching sex is, to certain extends, fun too.

Lol, well, all the joking aside, there is just this tiny little problem with porn and even in greater extends with hentai: it's targeted at a male audience. This has one fundamentally grave - though obvious - implication: it's targeted at the inner unrealistic, idealistic male view of sexuality, in the most extreme way possible. While I could easily air my frustrations about porn here too, let me stick with hentai for now. This is an anime blog after all.

First of all,
women are depicted with highly unrealistic bodies. While I think nothing is wrong with using beautiful character designs, I do get tired of all the bouncing cup-Z balloons that even in the anime look like they've already undergone quite a bit of plastic surgery.

While this point is merely annoying, I find the following truly disturbing. Women in hentai are often treated like pets instead of people. There are constant feelings of superiority from the male to the female, and even if the male is a loser, the female wants to be fucked no matter what.

Merely seeing the way the men attack (no, it's not in any way caress) the nipples of their partner makes it look nasty and painful. No matter how bad they are treated, the women are just craving for dick (while normally it's more like the other way around xD). While it may not look like it on the surface (the unsightly moaning of the women testifies), hentai ultimately depicts male pleasure.

Furthermore, I don't know exactly when men got the insane idea that women might possibly like them coming all over their face - sorry to scatter your personal fantasy, they don't. It's a very popular thing in hentai, though. If anyone could explain me what's so much fun about it, please do so. I think it's disgusting, and only further belittling the value of women as human beings. For a woman, it's not amusing or arousing to watch sex that's primarily targeted at male pleasure. Women are not being pleased in hentai, the men are being pleased and miraculously the women are crying in delight merely by being impaled by their partners. Sorry guys, but as you possibly might know, in real life we don't get orgasms by swallowing sperm. You'll have to put a little more effort into it than that. We'd also like foreplay that lasts longer than 30 seconds.


All those reasons have made it so that I usually kinda dislike hentai. If you personally ever found a good, sexy hentai that doesn't belittle women and doesn't put men in the position of some sick, almighty being, I'd like to hear about it. It would be a first T_T.

So what's basically my solution to this problem? That's easy. Yaoi. If you're tired of the Z-cups, high and unrealistic moaning while the men are not taking any effort to please the women, and the feeling of inferiority they are posing on them, check out yaoi. It's sexy. There's a more than average amount of eye-candy (twice as much, to be precise xD lol). It's exciting, and as it's primarily targeted at a female audience, it's on the average a lot more satisfying than hentai.

Seriously, it's just the hottest thing ever!

Vivan los bishies xD!


  1. This is great! Very well said!

  2. You are so right. It is too bad it is like brainwashing for men. They come to expect this out of women in bed in real life and it can make them really self-centered and honestly bad lovers. There's no doubt it's a turn on to please men but it's a total downer when the only thing that gets them excited is being pleased and that's all they can think about. Kinda sucks.

  3. Ever seen a dominatrix hentai? Women aren't belittled in them- the men are. There's one with three girls and one slave-boy...he ran away from home and they took him in...for a price. He stayed thereafter...even when his best friend came looking for him. The sex was too good to pass up and he (unrealistically) takes everything they dish out...humiliating, painful, or's all the same- it's his new life as their sex-slave.

    I found it entertaining- even as a guy.

    (If I could remember what the name was I'd let you know...but that's a basic you might be able to find it with a little effort.)
